About Us
AMCCU is a fully-registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
Our History
Australian Multi-Cultural Communities United was formed out of the need to bond our beautifully rich society into #OneCommunity that enjoys and celebrates its diversity like no other.
We work tirelessly to assist all people to live a life that adheres to their truest and most authentic self.
Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values, and Actions
Creating the World’s most inclusive Society.
Creating awareness of the uniqueness and diversity of multi-cultural Australia.
The objects for which the Company is established are:
1. Australian Multi-Cultural Communities United Limited (“AMCCU”) promotes the diversity of food, film, video, television, radio, music, dance, fashion, literature, and various forms of art, craft, and design introduced and celebrated by our Indigenous and multi-cultural society in Australia.
2. AMCCU encourages, endorses, and fosters reconciliation, acceptance, and co-operation between the different races, ethnic and religious groups living in Australia to bond them into one community.
3. AMCCU supports the social and economic integration of migrants and new community members.
4. AMCCU may undertake and pursue all other similarly related, or compatible objects or activities incidental to the primary objects as, from time to time, may be considered appropriate by the Company.
Core Values
Actions to Implement our Vision, Mission, Purpose, and Values:
>> Collaborating with other multi-cultural, ethnic, or like-minded organisations, whether big or small, to assist their digital marketing and fund-raising capabilities and to promote their cause, community, and culturally-related projects to the World.
If you are part of a community organisation or charity that requires help with:
- Your website (lower web hosting costs, better development, and SEO).
- Your social media (improving reach, follower numbers, and engagement).
- Creating increased awareness (press, radio, and TV).
- Fundraising for global emergencies (insert link to Global Emergency News here).
Then Get in Touch as soon as possible!
>> Building platforms, tools, and events that enable and inspire an ever-growing, diverse member community to actively connect, communicate, work, and play with each other.
We are in the process of developing the following:
- Multicultural Events Calendar (check out our social media channels for these events!).
- Creating an Online Directory for the promotion of Literature for Indigenous and multi-cultural communities (CALD Literature Directory).
- Developing Online Galleries for Indigenous and multi-cultural communities to promote and share all forms of visual arts, such as paintings, photos, designs, etc.
- Developing Online Events promoting & teaching Indigenous and culturally-diverse Arts, Craft & Design Techniques.
- Educational Language Channels.
- Providing essential information and useful directories to support refugees, migrants, and other newcomers to start a new life in Australia.
Coming Soon! is our Migrant Information Centre where you can learn more about:
- Legal services
- Mental health services
- Migration Agent Directories
>> Promote sustainable economic empowerment for all migrants by actively supporting their search of finding a job and/or starting their own business.
We are in the process of developing information and services for:
- CV Creation
- Job Applications
- Interview Training
- Job Board
- How to set up a business in Australia
- Multicultural Business Directories
- Multicultural Food Directory (Cafes, Restaurants, Groceries & Food Suppliers).>> Bringing together all Australians, whether new or old migrants – including our first nations, through events, exhibitions, and celebrations that show how beautiful, exciting, and enriching our cultural diversity is.
We do this in cooperation with other community organisations and charities:
- AUSvision Song Contest
If you missed your application for Australian Idol, it’s not too late to get some TV fame apply here.
- Aussie Malaysian TV
If you have a Malaysian background and an interesting story to tell, an amazing achievement to share, or a talent/skill that you are proud of, then apply here.
Projects in the planning phase:
- Interracial Love
(TV Show demonstrating the challenges and rewards of being in a mixed marriage in Australia) – Interracial Love
If you are in a mixed relationship (straight or otherwise), have had some interesting challenges to overcome, and are willing to share them with the world, then apply here.
- Future Shock
(TV Show) presenting the beauty of diverse characters, food, music, dance, art, and literature that each nation adds to Australia
- Producing a cultural ‘MasterChef’
- Development of Annual Film Festivals for unrepresented cultures/ethnic groups
- Producing Fashion Shows and Dance Shows that demonstrate the beauty of culturally-diverse fashion (both traditional and modern)
- Actively supporting other indigenous and multi-cultural communities by promoting their art & culture through our events and online platforms >>This last action is the result of all previous actions that are educating everyone about everyone else’s unique culture, thereby removing the ignorance that causes racism. Besides, we hope, it is so entertaining, so much fun, that it inspires the curiosity to learn more about each other and thereby fosters the kind of understanding that results in respect and inclusion
AMCCU acknowledges the traditional custodians of the country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection and protective commitment to land, water and community. We pay our respects to them and their deep-rooted cultures, and to their Elders past, present and emerging.